Building Fantasy+

Creating a profitable product from scratch.

Business Goal

Prove that NFL Fantasy’s user base can be monetized

Success Metrics

Subscription product shipped by the start of the 2020 season.



Direct from consumers


Average Return Per User

Target User

NFL Fantasy Team Managers who want a competitive edge without doing too much work.

My role

  1. Find real problems.

  2. Prioritize design work.

  3. Lead engineering syncs.

  4. Annotate interviews.

  5. Deliver designs

  6. Own marketing.

Research and Design

 Card Sort

  1. Survey polling over 1,600 fans

  2. MSCW Feature sort, 182 users

User interviews

Generative and feature focused moderated sessions with 12 fans. 

“I forget game time. Maybe he’s on bye or injured”

  Anthony L.

Ideations based on interview quotes

These ideas were really quick executions addressing the pain points brought up in the interviews: How do we keep Team Managers competitive?

Testing the first prototype.

Some prototype action items were that: Testers struggled to find tool entry points on the page.

  • Incorrect selection patterns

  • Two lists with complex logic.

  • Unnecessary interactions

What I delivered


I was responsible for delivering two main experiences

Auto-Optimize: Starts the optimal lineup based on projected points.

Swap Inactives: Automatically swaps out players projected to score zero points.


Explorations we decided against


Customize a character. Unlock items through wins, challenges or by purchasing.


Fantasy Assistant

Your own personal expert. Choose from a list of digital coaches or GMs to help you with all of your fantasy decisions.


Designed, built and shipped a subscription product in 3 months



of the 1.2M



Like what you saw?

Reach out and let’s get the conversation started. Maybe we can work together.


Spellbook: A Design System